
University of North Dakota
Graduate Research Assistant
January 2017 - Present
Computer vision is used in this project. I work on the edge detector (find contour) training with convolutional neural network to identfy different types Chinese food. This technique will be used on express checkout, especially in university cafeteria .

Shanghai Shangda Harun Information Systems, Ltd
Project Director
August 2016 - Present
I participated in devleopment of RFID based restaurant self-chekout system and class attendance system which base on wireless-AP tracking and bluetooth.
I currently lead a three pesrons team to upgrade the cashier by self-learning computer vision technique.
Stanley Black&Decker
R&D Engineer Intern
May 2015 - August 2015
I was in charge of existing wheel impact tool data collection, schematic analysis and source code reading. I also designed a calibration test with strain gauge and torque sensor with Labview.
I participated in a new impact tool position sensor with 5 persons team.